Rowing Ireland together with Cork Sports Partnership are delighted to announce a joint initiative launching the Get Going…Get Rowing programme in schools in Cork City.
The Get Going…Get Rowing programme started in 2014 as a pilot programme in Dublin City, within the first months the programme grew to a Leinster wide initiative. Since 2014 Get Going…Get Rowing has expanded to Galway, Limerick and Skibbereen.
Through partnering Cork Sports Partnership it has enabled the programme to expand to Cork city and the Ballincollig/Coachford schools. The programme will commence in October 2017 with schools facilitated to sign-up through Cork Sports Partnership website. The six week schools programme teaches the basic rowing skills together with the Olympic Value Education programme. Students will therefore not only learn to row but also skills such as fair play, respect and dignity through rowing. Rowing Ireland are the first country in the World to roll-out this programme which is a joint World Rowing/International Olympic Committee project. The Cork pilot programme will last 6 weeks culminating in a #Blitzit event in Neptune Sports Arena on Friday 24th November. This event will give schools the opportunity to compete against each other in an indoor rowing event specifically tailored for schools. The Get Going…Get Rowing programme runs a series of #Blitzit events for schools around the country including All-Ireland #Blitzit in Trinity College Dublin on 10th November, #Blitzit Limerick, UL Limerick Wednesday 7th March and On-the-water #Blitzit, Hanover Quay, Dubin on Friday 20th April 2017 bringing indoor rowing out and giving students a fun active experience to compete on-the-water.
Programme Manager for Rowing Ireland’s Get Going…Get Rowing programme said “We are thrilled to be able to expand Get Going…Get Rowing to Cork city and we could not do this without the partnership with Cork Sport Partnership. Participation is key to both organisations and we are delighted to be able to launch the programme to all schools in the area. The National Rowing centre is located in Farran just outside the city and therefore it’s only fitting to have schools in the area as part of our programme.
With 16,000 students rowing as part of the programme in 2016 and a transition of over 65% to rowing clubs within the programme, it is hoped that the establishment of the programme in Cork city and county will bring great value to rowing and participation for young people in the area.
Speaking recently about the expansion of the Cork Programme, Maurice O Sullivan from Cork Sports Partnership said “Cork Sports Partnership is delighted to support Rowing Ireland to expand this quality participation programme to Cork City and suburbs.” He added “This programme provides a great opportunity for school children to experience rowing in a supportive environment. I’m sure that the programme will have real and lasting impacts in terms of increasing participation in rowing here in Cork. “
For more information on the programme check out: or
- September 15th, 2017
- News