If learning to row is on your bucket list, Get Going Get Rowing is the place to be! We will be running beginner camps across the country this summer in the cities listed below. Click on the link for information specific to each camp, dates, and cost. See you on the water!

You can contact Aoife (DublinCoordinator@RowingIreland.ie) for Dublin camp concerns and Amy (LimerickCoordinator@RowingIreland.ie) for Limerick, Cork, and Galway matters.

Dublin: https://www.getgoinggetrowing.com/dublinsummercamps/

Limerick: https://www.getgoinggetrowing.com/limerick_summer_camps_2024/

SOLD OUT Galway: https://www.getgoinggetrowing.com/galway-summer-rowing-camps-2024/

SOLD OUT Cork: https://www.getgoinggetrowing.com/cork-summer-rowing-camps-2024/