We at Rowing Ireland have been running the Get Going…Get Rowing programme since 2014 and seen many people transition to clubs around the country and even take part of our HP programme.
Listen what our students, teachers and partners have to say about the programme and their experiences.

Before my school started doing rowing I knew nothing about it. During PE we done about 3weeks on the rowing machines and then we had a test to see who the school wanted to send to the schools indoor rowing competition. I was one of the girls picked for the team. At the competition my team came first and Sheila asked me If i wanted to join st. Michael's to try rowing so I did and I loved it. About a month and a half after Sheila wanted to bring a rowing team from my school to a competition up in Dublin for inexperienced rowers. Me and my friend Zara organised a team and we competed in J15 and J17 the team I was in won gold for both events. I stayed rowing for St. Michaels and I love it after 3 months of rowing I went to the rowing championship with my club and my team came third. I wouldn't have started rowing if Sheila hadn't came to my school and started rowing with us.
Monday, 5th February 2018 | Alana, Student, Salesians College, Pallaskenry, Limerick

We were delighted in Lucan CC to have Rowing Ireland in to work with our students on the "Get Rowing, Get Going" Programme. It provided our students with a Sport that we couldn't offer in the past. Rowing Ireland provided the coaches and ergometers and were extremely accommodating in the tight time tabling constraints of a school. The blitz in TCD allowed the students opportunity to compete against other schools in a fun environment. The highlight was the opportunity to get on the river & put their skills into practice. As a result of this Programme we have one student that wasn't previously engaged in sports has now decided to take up Rowing.
Thursday, 7th January 2016 | Fiona Coghlan, PE Teacher & Irish rugby International

I picked up rowing in transition year as a part of the Get Going Get Rowing program Rowing Ireland started in our school in 2014 with Michelle Carpenter and our PE teacher Ms Wall
After a few months I noticed that I had a real talent for it. Michelle together with my PE teacher suggested that I come down to Island Bridge. As soon as I got in that single scull I knew it was the right sport for me. I had been doing athletics for the previous 10 years and basketball for 4 years so I had to choose between sports, but it was worth it. I can proudly say that it was the best decision I had made in a long time.
Within the first few months of training I got picked as the best novice (beginner) to row in The 50th Dublin Sculling Ladder on the Liffey , that was my first ever race and the first race that I won. That win fueled me to become a stronger and more dedicated rower.
I have started to look at coaching novice (beginner) rowers and have completed my coaching course. I hope to work in summer rowing camps and I hope to get the chance to start to coach novice rowers.
My journey started in transition year in Dominican College and I can proudly say I would not be where I am today without my school and without Rowing Ireland who introduced me to the sport. I would highly recommend taking part in transition year because it has changed my life for the better.
Aimee came second in the Novice quad at the Irish Rowing Championships in 2016. She continues to row in the first junior 18 8+ at Commercial Rowing club.
Sunday, 28th February 2016 | Aimee McGrath, Secondary school student, Dominican College, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

Sutton Park School began the Get Going Get Rowing programme in September 2016 having being inspired to make enquiries after Rio 2016. We have been so impressed with the programme. Rowing Ireland supplied the equipment and the fantastic coaches for the 6 week module. On the 3rd week our students had an amazing time on the water which gave them a proper taste of what rowing is all about. The 6 week programme culminated in a brilliantly organised Indoor Rowing Blitz in Trinity College which was an amazing experience for all involved. Our Transition Years are embarking on the TrY Rowing Coaching Course this term and we are excited to see how this goes.
Many thanks to Michelle and her team of coaches for co-ordinating and running these courses. We feel very lucky to have been accepted onto the programmes and would strongly recommend it to any school in the country.
Keep up the great work!
Friday, 6th January 2017 | Niamh O'Hare, PE Teacher Sutton Park

Presentation College Terenure have been doing the Get Going Rowing initiative for the past two years.
The whole school has participated in the programme during PE classes. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed the programme and I feel as their PE teacher it has opened up their minds to a sport they may have never tried. Rowing is a sport for all and we have seen the pupils who may not normally be at the front absolutely shine in rowing. The coaches have been amazing and a pleasure to work with. The rowing blitz’s that we have attended have been incredibly well organised and our pupils always leave on such a high note. I would highly recommend any PE teacher or school to get involved in this programme, its brilliant.
Sunday, 18th December 2016 | Eve McCartney, PE Teacher, Presentation Terenure

All the students from kings hospital school had a great time at the all Ireland blitz 2016 this year, they really enjoyed the competitive rowing against other schools and the well organized event. It is a great event to keep new rowers interested over the cold winter months where continuously regattas are being cancelled.
Saturday, 2nd January 2016 | Will Yeomans, Head Rowing Coach, Kings Hospital School, Dublin.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Rowing Ireland.
For introducing the sport of rowing to my daughter and her friends in St. wolstans school. My daughter Olivia was " hooked" once she followed up on your passion and
Enthusiasm and joined Neptune Rowing Club last year.
As a parent I applaud you and thank you for the work you do with young ladies . My daughter is delighted with her sport, its commitment and the new community she finds herself part of. Congratulations on succeeding to inspire Olivia,Hollie,Jessica and Lucy to participate in this wonderful sport and become members of such a nurturing environment.
Monday, 6th February 2017 | Margaret, Parent

Thank you very much for allowing Mercy Secondary School Inchicore be part of such a wonderful initiative. I could not speak more highly of course and the team and think it is truly a very worthwhile experience for the girls. It gives the girls an opportunity to experience success in an area they never dreamed they could. Thank you for all your help and hard work.
Monday, 29th May 2017 | Maria Conlon, PE teacher